What The Government Were Opposed To The Constitution

Submitted By berryar
Words: 643
Pages: 3

The most basic form of government that the founders wanted was a republic. The founding fathers are Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Paine. Together, they sought honor--freedom from corruption and a positive devotion to civic virtue. These were the key elements of republicanism. Corruption was the great evil that the founding fathers confronted. When Britain showed too much corruption, it was time to break free with the American Revolution. To overcome the temptations of corruption, such as luxury and bribery in their own lives, the founding fathers cultivated the virtue of disinterestedness.Washington's letter mentions how advantageous and lucky it is for the United States to have been born just after a great burst of humans learning about the world and the laws of nature. He means the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. He didn't know this was barely the beginning but people who have been very successful in life, achieved his status, wealth, and power tend to become less open to new learning--except for that which confirms what they intended or already believed or wanted to believe. In order to learn more broadly, they need to be exposed to circumstances and experiences which carry powerful new lessons. Strong Anti-Federalists were opposed by the constitution due to the fact that they wanted the exact opposite of what the government wanted. They wanted the individual states to be more powerful than the federal government as opposed to the federal government being more powerful than the states. The largest single category, maybe even a majority of the "people" were white male property owners. They wanted a little more strength in the national government but not much local and state oriented rather than nationalistic very mixed collection of factions great variety of degrees of policitization. It was not once able to become a unitary actor. Many weren't paying attention and failed to vote in election for delegates to their state's convention on whether to rather ratify the new constitution.

The Titanic and its sinking as a metaphor or analogy for the U.S. society/economy and its crash. The owners and operators of the Titanic thought they knew there were some risk of an "accident", but they didn't take it seriously and they wouldn't listen to those who warned the risk should be taken seriously. The owners were for sure that they and their new technology were bullet proof the were at the forefront of he new modern world and nothing could stop them or even slow