The Myth Of Beauty Essay

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Pages: 3

The Myth of Beauty

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes, it is not something physical. The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express. Beauty comes from the inside. Beauty in today’s society is perceived in terms of one’s size and complexion. The notion of beauty in today’s society has been misconstrued to mean slim bodies. This misguided notion has been propagated by beauty pageants and the modeling industry. Today’s beauty queens and models are required to be slim. This ultimate glorification of slim-built ladies has resulted in the proliferation of health clubs and health stores across America. In recent years, thousands of people have starved themselves in an attempt to maintain a certain weight. Others have indulged in extreme diets that require the use of harmful products such as Phen-Phen and the abuse of laxatives. The demise is graphically depicted in the movie “Nutty Professor.” In this movie, Eddy Murphy plays the role of an over-weight professor who spends countless hours in the laboratory trying to develop a cure for his obesity. In
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In today’s society, people with a fair complexion have been considered more beautiful than their darker counterparts. This misguided notion transcends from the belief that white is superior. Ironically, some African Americans have bought into the ultimate supremacy of the white race. A classic example is Michael Jackson, a very famous African American pop star, who has undergone numerous medical procedures with the aim of changing his skin color. Beauty is a person’s personality, and how they see themselves. If you don’t have self-confidence then how can you think you’re beautiful? You have to believe it, society seems to think that every teenage girl is a size five, weighs one hundred and five pounds, has a dark completion, and long flowing blonde hair. This is not true for many teenagers