The Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing

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Pages: 2

Imagine being a high school student and having a test decide examine your knowledge level; well, this degrading system of “education” is what American schools have come to with standardized testing. Each day, teachers are being forced to teach just what is going to be on a standardized test and “are giving practice exercises featuring clone items” (Popham, “Teaching to Test”). The idea that their jobs depend on test scores has created a vicious cycling of memorizing information long enough to regurgitate it onto a test. Soon after, they will forget anything learned and move onto their next test subject. Similarly, many schools are realizing “high stake testing result in narrow focus on teaching and increases in cheating” (“What’s Wrong With Standardized Tests”). …show more content…
This system has cut down on learning time causing students to only worry about their test scores, and is almost encouraging cheating just to test well. Focusing on scoring instead of the actual knowledge gained is one of the many issues faced with standardized testing. Finally, standardized testing has created a theme of “loss of curiosity and love of learning” (“13 ways high-stakes standardized tests hurt students”). In my opinion, this is among the most disappointing effects of standardized testing because it has ruined the principles of learning. Having the opportunity to go to school and gain knowledge should be thought of as a privilege, for so many children are not given the chance to go to school. Previously stated, standardized testing has corrupted our great country’s education