The New Colossus Poem Analysis

Words: 460
Pages: 2

I am writing to you about my concerns on the Executive Order 9066 that was issued on February 19, 1942. As a poet, I have much interest in human rights and politics. I believe in freedom and equality for all people. My poem, The New Colossus, explains American ideals and references the Statue of Liberty and its meaning. I think that this act has violated the expectations of America and lowered its high standards. This order was intended to increase the safety of our country but I believe it has done the exact opposite.

When people think of America, they think freedom. Others dream to live and experience the wonderful life here. But the Executive Order 9066 downgraded our reputation. Now, people have hesitation when saying America is free. The hold of Japanese-Americans in internment camps is violating many of their rights. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
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With the Executive Order 9066, citizens now fear anyone with Japanese descent. Although most Japanese citizens have been loyal to the United States, they have been beaten, hated and discriminated for their race. Others think that Japanese-Americans are dangerous and are part of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This isn’t the case. Someone’s race doesn’t determine their actions or loyalty. In my poem, The New Colossus, it states, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” These lines mean that America welcomes everyone and anyone. Also, that no one will discriminate against a certain type or their doings. Due to the discrimination, we will not receive many immigrants. America is filled with all different types of people and is made up of immigrants. The hesitation of immigration will destroy the diversity and freedom of our