The Olympics Argumentative Essay

Words: 504
Pages: 3

The rings that most people are familiar with are the four rings that make up the Olympic emblem. People around the world gather every four years to celebrate this momentous event. Many prideful supporters show their advocacy towards their country through social media, Olympic “watch parties,” and most importantly, attending the Olympics. However, the high spirits of Olympians and supporters make the event enjoyable in many aspects—except for the economy of the host country. With the United States currently facing political issues, how would accommodating one of the world’s largest sporting events truly serve as a benefit? Would the costs outweigh the benefits, or would the benefits outweigh the costs? The hurtful repercussions of the United States accommodating the Olympics outweigh the advantages. Therefore, the United States should not host the Olympics. …show more content…
This source expresses that accommodating the Olympics counteracts the positive intentions of hosting the event. Lines 4 and 5 of Text 2 state, “These losses almost stand against the intention to regenerate the locale or host city, as the ability to maintain the momentum of economic growth is important.” The adversities of the Olympics being held in the United States oppose the intention to reform the host city. Focus is shifted towards trying to maintain economic stability. The graphic from Text 2 states that one of the drawbacks for the United States would be facing “negative reactions from existing local enterprises due to the possibility of new competition for local manpower and government assistance.” Local businesses would react adversely to newly introduced businesses competing for localized sovereignty and receiving governmental