The Only Strength In Audrey Hepburn's 'Only Beauty'

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Pages: 4

The only strength is in character. Audrey Hepburn claimed that ““Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” but in reality the only beauty that never fades is, truth. People don't lay as strong a moral value on the truth anymore, I'm not saying this as a broad sweeping statement that applies to everyone, it just so happens that people often lie, often about such trivial things as whether or not they vacuumed or whether or not they took the dog outside. And yet there most definitely one person who I can count on to tell me the truth (at least about harry potter). This person who is currently unnamed is most definitely not shy, most definitely not weak, and most definitely will give you a hard time if you are rude, disrespectful, asinine (sorry about the language), or an all round “bad” person. If you aren't any of these, she is really fun. Also she will definitely sneak into your wedding. This woman is Caroline Rein.

Caroline Rein, you can't really say much more than that to describe her, for no adjective can pin down her
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She is like soldier. She will always becomes serious, passionate, and won't hesitate to engage in a debate on why your opinion is wrong, if she sees a problem. At the end of her first high school year, Caroline’s teachers awarded her with the “Defender of Truth” award, this award was to show that she wouldn’t hesitate to step up to the plate for TRUTH! There has never been a moment when Caroline was around that I would say something false and she wouldn’t correct me in all seriousness. She will always defend someone passionately, caringly, and seriously. Recently she had argued with one of our church leaders over an issue he had with her friend, she stepped in to defend her friend, like how a lioness steps in to defend her cubs. When Caroline cares and is serious about something there is no feasible way to win an argument against her, unless it is a purely factual