The Poisoned Intestines In Macbeth

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Pages: 1

The witches, foretell the future of Scotland, using their items. The poisoned intestines symbolize that the future events will be poisoned, painful, dark, evil, and full of death. “Round about the cauldron go, /In the poisoned entrails throw.” (4, 1, 4-5) Just as the witches used dismembered parts of humans, animals, and plants, Macbeth’s head, would be severed from his body and hung on a spike. “Hail, king! For so thou art: /behold, where stands /The usurper’s cursed head: the time is free:” (5, 8, 55-56) Macbeth’s dismemberment served poetic justice and he got what he deserved. He killed many people during his reign. Some examples of this are the following: Macdonwald, (“Till he unseam’d him from the nave to th' chops,” (1, 2, 22)), Duncan