The Popping Machine Informative Speech

Words: 1383
Pages: 6

Garrett Paris
English II
15 February 2017
The Popping Machine
1 Good afternoon. My name is Garrett and today I will be telling you the long journey of a chiropractor. Yes, there are very many different occupations out there. You might ask why a chiropractor, but I will tell you why. The reason behind my choice is because one I want to follow my dream of becoming one. I want to make my dad proud. I became interested in chiropractic about a year ago. I got badly hurt and had to go to the chiropractor to get all fixed up. When Dr. Sprowls started to work on me I asked him so many different questions about his job and how he got to where he is today. He told me that if I wanted to pursue in chiropractics that my first step would be
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By the looks of it there are pretty great chances of being hired at a chiropractor's office to start their journey to becoming one. Once actually working as a chiropractor there are many responsibilities to this job.2 In the book The Chiropractor it tells about many responsibilities such as the responsibilities of having a good staff, making sure you provide quality service and most importantly the responsibility of taking care of the patient while adjusting them(Homola 2). No matter what having great quality service for the patient is the best thing any great chiropractor could have. Along sides of having responsibilities there are health hazards people have to watch out for. On it doesn’t list many because there aren't very many.8 The only real health hazards is making sure you watch out for sick patients and making sure you don't mess up any of your patients adjustments( Being a chiropractor is a pretty great job if you ask me. You get to watch people get better and you don't have to work very much. 7 According to “chiropractors work on average 40 hours per week, although longer hours are not uncommon”( To me that sounds like a good deal. Chiropractors can take off when they want and they are pretty much there own …show more content…
9 By some standards you will have to be polite and put your full attention toward your patient and what they are saying and try not to interrupt at the wrong time. It's good to be able to listen and asking questions as the patient talks. During the actual adjustments it's a key thing to listen as for them telling you if they have pain or if you hurt them (OK Career Guide I know that from expirience that if you get streached or turned the wrong way with something out of place it hurts pretty badly. It's always good to have a chiropractor who will listen to every word you say and pays attention if something hurts or not. 13 Chiropractors like that make pretty good pay and money is always good. A chiropractor in “Oklahoma City makes an average of $103,770 or $49.89/hr a month”(OK college If you ask me that’s a lot. They make about $1,245,240 a year or less or more. With money like that you can by some nice thing for your family. 12 In chiropractics there is a lot of family time. A chiropractor is their own boss so they can take off when he needs to, to be able to make it to family related events(Dr. Sprowls