The Pros And Cons Of NASA

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Pages: 3

Speculative science is a very controversial topic. There are two sides within this debate. Some believe that funding speculative science will help the earth. Others believe that the money is being wasted and should go to other causes. This research should be funded because it can improve the earth and help the United States gain more knowledge about the unknown. NASA will be able to research meteors and many other topics in order to one day save human kind or just improve earth all together.
Many people believe that NASA receives a large amount of money from the federal government. In reality, NASA is only given about 0.5% of the federal budget. There was only one instance that the federal government gave NASA more than 0.5%. To be
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An example would be the funds going towards natural disasters. Some of the programs that NASA is working on can later decrease the chances of certain natural disasters occurring. The current amount that the federal government is spending on natural disasters is about 136 million dollars. With the help of NASA, this amount can decrease and the money that was once spent on natural disasters can be given to another cause if needed. There are certain projects that NASA is trying to work on that will attempt to stop a meteor impact. They are also trying to continue research on global warming and the ozone layer so we can better earth and our protection. Therefore, the funding towards speculative science can all together lower the annual federal …show more content…
The federal government gives less than 1% of the budget to NASA and foreign aid. Some believe that all of this money should go to foreign aid alone. This belief is based off the fact that research in space is endless, there is so much that is not known and that is very intriguing. People do not wish to fund a program that will never come to an end. In fact, when the trip to mars was planned, about 60% of people were opposed to it. This is because mars is full of unknown things and as human beings; we are scared of the unknown. When deciding whether to fund NASA or not, one should not listen to these points. Why lower NASA’s budget when they are working towards decreasing the national disasters funds. The amount taken from this program can go towards the other causes people wish to increase, but there is no point in taking money from a program that is trying to decrease spending anyhow. Along with this point, there is the fact that NASA is already receiving about 0.5% of the budget. It is such a low percentage that it barely affects the national funds. Therefore, speculative science should continue to be