The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Power

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Pages: 4

Nuclear power and technology has been under world scrutiny since its inception in the year 1942 by Enrico Fermi. The research and development of the “Manhattan Project” produced the first atomic bomb, which resulted in the destruction of the cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This show of power left the world stunned. It wasn’t until the 1950s – years after the end of World War II – that the prospect of a peaceful and commercial use of Nuclear Power even entered the minds of Americans. In his presidential address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, stressed that “this greatest of all destructive forces can be developed into a great boon, for the benefit of all mankind.” (1) The 1954 Atomic Energy Act permitted for the first time the broad use of atomic energy for peaceful applications. …show more content…
In spite of these accidents, the nuclear industry has grown, and with it, the potential resource for powering the homes of tomorrow. Nuclear Power should be considered a viable energy source because it is safe, clean, and reliable. What is Nuclear Safety? According to Siderenko, the hazards of the industry fall into two categories – “direct hazard factors (in the given situation—nuclear irradiation, which accompanies the technological process) and potential hazard of uncontrolled release and emergency propagation of radioactive materials.” Direct hazards are relatively easy to protect against, but the potential for uncontrolled hazard will always be present. Nuclear Safety, then, can be classified as the protection from either of these