The Pros And Cons Of STAAR Testing

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Stress is the body’s response to any alteration that requires an modification . The body reacts with different emotions concerning the matter. The stress that STAAR tests can give someone are very nerve-racking. Stress is a common human reaction; Although our body is designed to deal with stress, too much stress can cause panic attacks, aging and internal agony.
An account on how a parent feels about the STAAR test, “ In April, third grader Diego Geisler stayed home from school for four days in a row. Instead of going to Helms Elementary in the Heights, Diehgo and his mom, Claudia De Leon Geisler, went on some field trips. They went out for a special breakfast, visited the zoo, and sketched dinosaur bones at the museum. ‘We have a T-Rex,