The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bombs

Words: 476
Pages: 2

On 17 August, 1938, Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission. Soon thereafter, the idea of the atomic bomb was born. America’s top physicists and scientists joined forces to develop an atomic bomb before their enemies and succeeded. They proceeded to drop their atomic bomb on Hiroshima and another on Nagasaki. This decision to drop atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not a military necessity, because it slaughtered thousands of the innocent, developed the capability of wiping out the human race, and did not end the war.
First and foremost, the atomic bombs slaughtered thousands of the innocent. There is no justification for killing anyone, yet America felt it was okay to murder “…110,000 Japanese civilians…” (Kitchener) and American veterans. That’s enough people to fill the average football field and then some. In America, murder is the ultimate sin, and can cost a life in jail. If killing one person is so bad, America had absolutely no right to blow Japan into a bloodbath of 110,00 innocent people.
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The truth could not be told more perfectly, “And if you think atomic explosions in Asia wouldn’t effect Americans consider this… probable impact of a “small” nuclear war…farming would collapse, and people all around the globe would starve… And that’s if only half of one percent of all the atomic bombs on earth were used.” (Sheinkin) In short, a small portion of the world’s atomic bombs would put an end to the world. Unfortunately, there is no “undo button”. Like it or not, this is the world America has created by dropping two atomic