The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

Words: 1555
Pages: 7

The industrial revolution began in Britain during 1760 and 1850 it is sometimes referred to as ‘economic revolution’. It allowed for the development of many nations to grow and form a society or a system that was convenient, in most cases, it was important to be aware that the introduction of the industrial revolution also had its cons as many people were unemployed due the invention of new technology. As a result of the industrial revolution places such as factories and mills of every kind were discovered to have production of cotton for example. The machines and the environment of the underground or over ground working circumstances were unbelievably terrible for any employee. In addition to the condition of the workforce, there was even a lack of sanitation among society as only the more wealthy individuals could have access to fresh water. Thus the government had to take major action by introducing new laws was a key requirement that had to happen in order to protect and provide for the people. Laws such as the coal mines ACT (1842) was introduced for the safety of children and females and also for the continuing of coming generations. Other types of laws or acts included lord altho- ropes factory or sometimes referred to be classified in the textile category (1833) which limited the hours a child between the ages of 9-13 had to work, health and morals of apprentices ACT (1802) which applies a 12 …show more content…
Without the acts or laws by the government after the introduction of new machinery, the workers and society’s lives would not have improved as much if it was not brought up to the government’s attention to take control