The Pros And Cons Of The Two Atomic Bombs

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Pages: 4

On August 6th and 9th of 1945, the United States of America dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese, killing around 129,000–226,000 people (Wikipedia). This was the logical choice because the bombs would only kill Japanese, while a mass scale invasion would cause US lives to be lost. The bombs also ended the war immediately. Ending the war helped their already booming economy to grow even more without the effects of the war. Furthermore, the US already invested heavily into the atomic bombs. Keeping it in their reserves would be pointless at the time, so they instead demonstrated their power to the newly emerging superpower, the Soviet Union. The US made the right decision logically in dropping the two atomic bombs because it saved American lives, caused an end to the war to help develop their economy, and displayed their power for the Soviet Union.
Firstly, dropping the bombs ensured the survival of more Americans soldiers, those lives are of more value than Japanese civilians to America. Continuing the war meant a bloody campaign through Japan. Undoubtedly causing many more American troops
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Without the atomic bombs being dropped, more American lives would’ve been lost in the war. It would also make the war end quickly, starting an era of development earlier then it would’ve if the war was fought out. Lastly, it would’ve been pointless to keep the atomic bombs in their reserves given the perfect opportunity to display it, so instead they scared the Soviets into an unsteady peace. The decision to drop the atomic bomb may not have been the most ethical or moral choice, but it was war and there are no rules in a full-blown war. In the end, they made the most logical and right choice to benefit themselves, which is ultimately the correct