The Pros And Cons Of Vampire Bats

Words: 167
Pages: 1

Vampire bats should not be killed. Firstly they are very beneficial to man. For example, Chris Kraul, journalist for the Los Angeles Times, shares bats have led to sonar and Anti-coagulate medicines (Kraul). Thus bats have proven their worthiness. Secondly, Vampire bats are incredibly intelligent mammals. For instance, Kraul reports that bats accept bits of banana from his hand. Therefore, vampire bats have a reason for attacking cattle. Finally, bats provide environmental use. To illustrate, Kraul tells that bats have the ability to pollinate flowers and control insects. Therefore, this confirms vampire bats are taking care of things that we can not always control. Thirdly, bats could hold the cure for AIDS or cancer. To illustrate, Kraul