The Relationship With Gerald In Margret Atwood's Hairball

Words: 302
Pages: 2

In the story “Hairball” by Margret Atwood, Kat’s relationship with Gerald is all made up of illusion which makes her happy; this is because of the ordinary traditional life she wants to live with him. First, Kat feels that she is in love with the new Ger that she created. However she starts to realize that it was an image she made of him and that “Gerald is what she has been missing- the stable, unfashionable… Gerald.”(41) Kat was jealous that Cheryl had an influence over Gerald, so she changed him the way she wants him to be, the more Ger became like Kat the less interest she takes in him. Finally she realizes that she was missing something and that was the Gerald she had first met because of who he is. Additionally, Kat believes she is the