The Role Of Conformity In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Words: 420
Pages: 2

America, the land of freedom, or is it? Like Anthem, this country is anything but uncensored. Examples include: how it is acceptable for women to wear suits but men can't wear skirts and how men can go without shirts but women can't. In Anthem, it is taboo to even talk to women. America is an Anthem society because of our want to fit in, our conformist ways, and also, our individualism. Sure, there are people who stand out, but they are usually categorized as attention-seeking. When will there be a common ground? My parents tell me, “Be unique, be yourself.” But how can someone try to shine in a place where it is looked down upon? A constant mantra both in Anthem and in the real world rings in our ears, “It is not good to be different from your brothers…” (p. 21). In Anthem, the officials want no outliers, only repetitive people. …show more content…
Since the beginning, Americans have conformed to what the government has said; we will never be rebels because we haven't had the idea of rebellion. My theory is that to us conforming is a habit, or defense mechanism, since it's all we've ever