The Role Of Courage In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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Pages: 3

Courage... it's the best feeling in the world, and in this book Melinda understands what it's like to finally have it. For my book club this year I chose to read the book, Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. This was a very good book and I'm glad that I chose to read it. I'm happy that I chose to read it because it taught me good morals such as, always speak up for yourself and don't loose hope even when all seems lost. Now, to answer the question. I don't think, I don't believe, I know that in this book Melinda finds the voice of courage inside her and speaks up about how Andy Evans raped her.

I am now going to tell you about some times when all seems lost for Melinda and she finds enough courage to do something about it. One time that Melinda shows courage was when she called the cops at the end of summer party because she was raped. Some quotes to support this statement are, "The next thing I saw was the telephone"(Anderson, 136). This infers that she was going to use the
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She shows amazing amounts of courage by standing up to him when he again, tried to force himself on to her. I have gathered some quotes to support my statement, here they are. " A sound explodes from me. NNNOOO!!!"(Anderson, 194). This is when Melinda tells him that she does not like him and does not want his “love”. Here is another supporting quote, "I reach in and wrap my fingers around a triangle of glass. I hold it to Andy Evans neck. He freezes. I push just hard enough to raise one drop of blood"(Anderson, 195). This is after she says no but Andy still doesn't stop so she uses other measures. After this she does one last thing, "I said no"(Anderson, 195). She says no, and by this time Andy is dead afraid that if he tries anything else she will kill him. This took a lot of courage from Melinda to stand up to her rapist when confronted by him and say