The Role Of Government In Colonial America

Words: 653
Pages: 3

Many of the features of government in Colonial America were built on and strengthened and still remain a part of the United States government today. Some of these features are the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact, the Right to Vote, and the General Assembly.
The House of Burgesses marked the beginning of a long line of representative government in Colonial America.The House of Burgesses was an extremely important feature of the government in Colonial America. It was the first representative body, or elected legislature, in America. Their job was to make laws for the Jamestown Colony. The House of Burgesses helped govern the affairs of the Virginia Colony. The House of Burgesses has become part of our government today in the United States. It influenced what we know today as our house of representatives, which is a part of congress that has 435 people that represent all the states in the U.S. The House of Burgesses had a big influence on our government today.
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The Mayflower Compact also was a very important feature of the government in Colonial America. The Mayflower Compact was a document that was signed by 41 adult men and called for a government that would make and follow “just and equal laws.” The people who would control the office would be elected by the colony’s adult males. The Mayflower Compact had lead to the creation of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a document, very similar to the Mayflower Compact, that the colonists sent to England declaring for independence. The Mayflower Compact also is similar to the Constitution. The Constitution stated how America was going to be governed. The Mayflower Compact also had a big Influence on our government