The Role Of Guilt In Macbeth

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Pages: 3

Macbeth is a tragedy play written by Shakespeare. Most of Shakespeare’s writings have moral stories, for example “Othello” is based on the decisions of characters and the actions after them involving guilt and supernatural causes that can foresee events in the near future. “Macbeth” Is a play revolving around Macbeth whom happens to stumble upon three witches. They tell Macbeth and Banquo a prediction of how he will become king and start to praise him. This will influence him to commit the ultimate crime of murder against his own king. Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth is of very help to him in those situations calming him and influencing his morals to go awry and evil. Macbeth has a moral dilemma the moment he has to kill King Duncan. He begins …show more content…
Even in Macbeths final moments the witches predictions were accurate and made Macbeth go mad with his downfall he can see approaching. Macbeth is definitely a play Based on morals. All throughout Shakespeare’s play his guilt kept coming back stronger as his mind decayed. Even when Macbeth heard his wife and son had died he had not even been scathed by the shear fact about hearing it due to his mind being overwhelmed guilt and his conscious gave up, his mind had been broken. Macbeth was written in a time period where they played each scene out like a movie to a live audience. This is a key factor to how Shakespeare gets the vibe of guilt weighing over real people taking over roles of characters whom don’t exist. At the end of Macbeth He is slain and all of his actions go away with him being killed. This is justice being served in its prime over the wrath of a tyrant king who had gone mad with power, guilt, insanity, and his morals as a knight before he had become king. Majority of Shakespeare’s books are about morals and guilt because it was a popular subject he was so fond and good at writing proving that Macbeths a moral