The Role Of Heroism In Frederick Douglass

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Pages: 3

According to Bob Dylan ¨A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.¨ Heroism isn't always fun and games. Its serious, everyday people like us put their life on the line to help others. Not every hero has a super power just a will in their heart telling them to do whats right. Heroism is putting others lives before his and sacrificing his life to save others. Heros are very respected in their community. All hero have a passion to help others and not all of them need to. Heros need to look at everything in a different way to help others get to the bottom of it.¨We have a lot of corruption in our society. But we must not assume that everything is always based motivated. We should allow for the heroic impulse- which is to be greater than oneself, to try to find another …show more content…
In the story Frederick Douglas was an american slave that ran to the north to be free. ¨September, 1838, I left my chains, and succeeded in reaching New York¨ (Douglas 71). Douglas and lincoln dedicated their public life for liberty because they thought it was better for everyone to be equal. They fought long and hard to get what they wanted. We went to war on each other for it. Douglas was a runaway slave from the north. He was the most respected black man. Lincoln talked to the people about stopping slavery but the south didn't want to do that. So they threaten to go into war and they did. Frederick role in this story is he spoke to the people and convinced them that slavery was a bad thing. He convinced a lot of people and that's what made the north's army come together in one purpose. ¨The Truth was, I felt myself a slave, and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down. I spoke but a few moments, When I felt a degree of freedom, and said what i desired with considerable ease¨ (Frederick 72). This was heroic because he helped a lot of slaves that were beaten and abused to be free to do what they