The Role Of Immigrants In William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation

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Pages: 5

The European immigrants came to the Americas and set a very influential step in the growth of the new country. There are many aspects that pulled the colonists into the new land from their homes. The three main pull factors that brought the immigrants were freedom, wealth, and conquest for new land. The immigrants that came to the Americas prayed for comfortable lifestyles upon their arrival. The European immigrants came to the empty land of America to escape oppression from their monarchs, or religion itself. “Of Plymouth Plantation,” a nonfiction historical narrative written by William Bradford, describes the harsh journey he and his fellow immigrants had to go through to arrive on peaceful. Bradford expresses his thankfulness to God when …show more content…
“’Blaxicans,’” an argumentative essay written by Richard Rodriguez, explains that many immigrants along with freedom, came to America for a new direction of wealth. Rodriguez states “Marx predicted that the discovery of gold in California would be a more central event to the Americas than the discovery of the Americas by Columbus” (Rodriguez 195). This statement is extremely important because the prediction by Carl Marx was absolutely correct. When there was gold discovered in America, many immigrants from all around the world came to discover a new route of wealth. Although many were not successful, it was a huge pull factor for new immigrants to come to the Americas. “The General History of Virginia,” a historical narrative written by John Smith contains examples that exemplify the reasons that pulled the settlers into America. Smith states “… we daily feasted with good bread, Virginia peas, pumpkins, and putchamins, fish, fowl, and divers sort of wild beasts as fast as we could eat them, so that none of our tuftaffety humorists desired to go for England” (Smith 70). The significance of this statement is that the settlers immigrated to America for wealth, and they took great advantages of it. Smith states that after their arrival to Virginia, the immigrants have been feasting …show more content…
“Balboa,” a short story by Sabina Murray, exemplifies the factor that pulled immigrants into the new land of Americas. In the story, Vasco Nunez de Balboa thinks “…his days as governor of Darien will be over. Unless, he brings glory by being the first to claim this great ocean for Spain” (Murray 90). Balboa settles into the new land of Americas to reclaim his position of governor. In order to keep his position, Balboa has to impress the king so that he will give Balboa another chance. This idea for land conquest remained throughout the immigrants settling into the Americas. Many immigrants settled in America for freedom or wealth, but some particular individuals came to America to impress their