The Role Of Mercy In The Criminal Justice System

Words: 1520
Pages: 7

Mercy in the Criminal Justice System has been carried along a pendulum throughout the years toward individuals who become involved in it. Physical punishment was heavily inflicted at first, however, as civil rights rose they decreased punishments done physically. With time, punishments were still inflicted upon individuals, but in different ways. Even after punishments, there was a movement toward retribution from the offender to the offended. At some point, there was an intent of creating a system that believed in rehabilitation, but after a spike in crime rulings have demonstrated that the pendulum swung back to punishment. Today, there is a considerate intent by some individuals to return such pendulum towards rehabilitation and second chances. …show more content…
Mercy can be brought up in the system in various ways, Mr. Stevenson does it by providing legal assistance to the most vulnerable. Due to the variety of works within the system, mercy could be exercised by police officers, probation officers, parole officers, and often the community itself. I consider myself an individual who will practice mercy in the Criminal Justice System because I support the importance of mercy within it. Although I am not completely sure about a specific job, I am sure it will be within the system by serving people who need to be