The Role Of Peaceful Resistance In America

Words: 531
Pages: 3

Does peaceful resistance to laws positively or negatively impact a free society? I don't think there has been any other time in recent memory that peaceful resistance has been more important.

While I am too young to know much about peaceful resistance in our history (other than what I've learned in school), I have witnessed so much resistance during the election of President Trump. I am not old enough to vote so I mostly watched and listened to the news programs. Certainly, President Trump is not your typical president but, it appears, there was a groundswell of popular opinion that something different is what was needed.

I believe that President Obama had a unique opportunity to bring together racial divisions in our country due to his biracial heritage. Unfortunately, the division in our country seemed to grow exponentially in my opinion. It's interesting, to me, that many believe that it is President Trump that has created the division. His election victory over Hillary Clinton magnified the divide because most people in the media appeared to be genuinely surprised by his victory. The peaceful resistance in the form of protests began immediately.

When I saw the news reports of the people in the streets protesting President Trump's victory I wondered how Hillary Clinton could have lost. The support for
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I truly believe that these people are heroes. What they did was peaceful resistance. Unfortunately, today, there is too much violence in the demonstrations. It is common to see violence break out during demonstrations for global economic causes, for the environment, for religious rights and equality rights. To me, when I see the violence it takes away from the fight. Is it right to destroy somebody else's business through looting, smashed windows, fires, etc in order to prove your point? I don't think