The Role Of Reverend Hale In The Crucible

Words: 282
Pages: 2

Reverend Hale is a dynamic character that undergoes some change during the course of the play. In The Crucible, Hale is dynamic because when he arrives in Salem, he's very determined to investigate and prove the presence of witchcraft. However, by the end of the play, Hale recognizes the truth which is that Abby and the other girls were lying the whole time and that John Proctor is really guilty only of adultery. In the beginning of the play Hale says “I must say it, Mr. Proctor; that is not for you to decide. The man's ordained, therefore the light of God is in him” (Miller 946). This shows that Hale is very determined and closed minded in a way. He feels that no one should go against any reverend because he god shines within him and with