The Sapa Inca Village

Words: 168
Pages: 1

Families lived in a Ayllu, a village. The people that were born in the village usually lived in that area their whole life. All families got a farm land and home. However, they did not own the land, the emperor did. The people got to keep one third of what they produced, the Sapa Inca got one third and the other portion went to Inca temples. There could be 100-10,000 households in one Alyllu; in which the Curacas took care of. When the children were younger, they did some easy work around the house. When the girls got older they took care of younger children, went to get water, cooked, made clothing, and learned to weave. Once the boys got older they checked on the animals, and helped farm. The children didn’t go to school, they just got taught