The Scarlet Ibis And Doodle Comparison

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Pages: 2

In The Scarlet Ibis written by James Hurst, Hurst connects the scarlet ibis to Doodle multiple times. The scarlet Ibis and doodle share many of the same characteristics throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, the author puts doodle and the scarlet ibis very similar situations to begin their roles in the story. In the beginning of the story, Doddle was introduced as very delicate and different than everyone else in the story; "He was born when I was six and was, from the outset, a disappointment. He seemed all head, with a tiny body which was red and shriveled like an old man's" this quote show a specific look on how Doodles own family saw him even just as a newborn baby. The scarlet ibis was brought into the story as almost everything doodle was, the discovery of the ibis was exciting then as soon as they realized it was dead and they could not save it the family was disappointed; "I ran into the house and brought back a bird book. As we watched, Daddy thumbed through its pages. ‘It's a scarlet ibis,' he said pointed to the picture. ‘It lives in the tropics south America to Florida. Sadly, we all looked back at the bird. How many miles it had traveled to die like this," This quote is very similar to how they spoke of doodle when they first saw him yet in this case they speak of the bird. …show more content…
The Story is a very intricate and well thought out way to make so little words have such a huge impact that there are many ways that doddle and the scarlet ibis are connected that they can't all be counted but in the end, Hurst vividly showed how Doddle and the scarlet ibis are