The Secret Of Haiti's Living Dead Summary

Words: 650
Pages: 3

When I began reading this article the last thing I anticipated reading about was zombies. Throughout recent years Zombies have become a rapidly growing wonder. Children and some adults often find thrill in the idea of fighting for survival, and enjoy the idea of Zombies becoming apart of our world. Never would I think there is actual zombie like characteristics found on other beings of Haiti. Through the article, The Secret of Haiti’s Living Dead, by Gino Del Guercio, the story begins describing the horrific experiences described by a man who was buried alive, fully conscious.
Imagine being fully aware of your surroundings, hearing everything, yet absolutely unable to move, speak, or communicate with those around you? That is what exactly happens throughout a small village in central Haiti. Legends have described zombies as a form of the living dead. After they have been pronounced dead, there is a voodoo priest who raises them from the grave. It is said that some sort of evil spirit usually supports the voodoo priest.
The man described in the beginning of the story named Narcisse provides this story with a special feature. The fact that all was documented and records to prove that according to medical specialists, he was in fact dead before burial. However, after
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After a greater amount of research and analysis, there was one common denominator found, the dried blowfish. The fish contains a main ingredient that is known as one of the most powerful poisons known. This poison does not actually kill if taken in smaller doses. However, it does create physiological effects triggering the body to react, causing medical professionals to even believe someone to be dead. Although all of this may be viewed as strange and immoral, through more research it is clear that not only is this a form of policing their communities, and a form of