The Sixth Stage Of Erickson

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Pages: 2

The 6th stage of Erickson is psycholsexual development is “Intimacy and Isolation, which is durning the young adulthood from the age of 19 through 40. That I might relate to but it was more due to I was married, the last years of stage 6th of Erikson's which for me it was isolation and that I was married to the wrong person a over controlling and demanding unsecure little man . I was told not to have certain friends and cut others off out of my life,the ones he disliked. I can also say the loving relationship part, with the so call partner I picked ( bunch of BS ) of a relationship. If I knew this then, I feel, I would have had a better understanding of marriage or picked a better partner at that age. Or in my case do what I wanted to do in