The Struggle In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

Words: 322
Pages: 2

Greetings Classmates,

While reading the story, jazz was playing in my head or what little I know of jazz. The music in the story starts off as a small pulse. The little details are what build up the scene. In the park a child is whistling and then a lady is dancing in a diner. Eventually we are delivered to whom the narrator was perturbed about in the paper. It was Sonny his younger brother that is divulged later in the reading. The music intertwines with what the narrators issue is with Sonny. Heroine finds despair for the narrator and at the end led Sonny to his love of music. The music's purpose is to show that it was struggle that made the music great. They discuss a woman's voice that they were amazed at and Sonny comments, "It's repulsive to think you have to
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The main motif is about the African American struggle in Harlem. One brother is following the straight and narrow path of life. The other went astray. The music that he skipped school for was the pain that he was feeling during his addiction. The premise is that the college algebra teacher doesn't know Sonny's addiction. Only at the end does the narrator get brought to another world where Sonny is on top and the narrator is in the background. The story gives insight into the characters. The narrator is struggling with getting his brother on his path of life, it's what he wants for Sonny. Not what Sonny wants. The story in the middle about his father's brother death by white men seems like a representation of what the white man's standards are. Sonny's struggle is that he loved the way heroin felt. He hated the addiction. In the end his happiness came through music but at a price of suffering. To me the story is about going