Essay about The Study of Human Persons Anthropology

Submitted By SEELMOR
Words: 4740
Pages: 19

At the present time, the order of anthropology has become a marvelous change from the conventions it utilized thousands of years back. Today, their objective has turn out to be much more confined where they center on human difficulties and questions within the cultures they subsist. Anthropology – “the science of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.” [1] It is a system learning the transformation of the people and its individuality; and an awareness of the correlation between humans and their history.
Plainly, anthropology is the study of human persons where it revolves with humans globally and outlines their evolution and cultural expansion from the birth of the world until now. [2] They are concerned in the breakthrough of why and how humans contrast in certain bodily characteristics as well as in their habitual thoughts, experiences, and practices in the ancient times and at this moment. In studying this branch of science, it gives us an initiative about why other people act in a different way, culturally and physically. Having this priceless comprehension of our history may take us to a sense of accomplishment in our lives as individuals.
With the study of society and human behavior - sociology, we simply apply this to a group of human beings who share a culture and a territory – society. [3] This raises a matter of how groups influence people by their said community. Sociology has parallels to other social sciences: Politics and how the governing affects people’s lives; Economics and the goods & services in a society as well as production and distribution; Psychology and the adjustment to the difficulties of human life; and Culture and the communication & belief system it possesses. [4]
Generally, what causes human behavior? First is our human nature. When we say culture, it makes reference to the total way of life of any society, be it in the Aztecs, Heian (Japanese), or the Indians. Therefore, culture is integrated. Each and every civilization has specific mores and customs to follow and all persons are cultured. It is defined as a set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals that are characteristic of a particular society or population. If we classify something cultural, it must be commonly shared by group of individuals. [5] On the other hand, not everything that is common in a society is cultural i.e. the typical eye color of a community because it is based on genetics and inheritance. Culture is not just sharing something universal; it must be learned as well. [6] Like consuming food, it is not cultural because obviously, all humans should eat however, what we eat, how an individual devours his food, and when they munch through it are learned and are diverse between other cultures. Worldwide Muslims consider having pork or baboy in their meals to be forbidden and to be disgusting, more like a sin. Our fellow Philippine tribes such as the Aetas only use their hands for eating, or our traditional Chinese people would use chopsticks to get their peking duck. In addition, Catholics cannot eat pig or cow meat during Fridays of Lenten season. Educated people do not talk when their mouth is full. Truly, culture is everywhere and it varies from different places. All societies expand a sequence of supreme cultural examples that embodies what nearly everyone of the society considers to be the acceptable behavior in certain conditions. Second is our adaptation. Culture is commonly adapted to certain circumstances of its bodily and communal upbringing. It may be adaptive to our environment, but to some, it would not be. Culture is undeniably always changing in this world and it evolves gradually throughout the modernization. [7]
Third is the social structure - the sociological implication of societal structure that channels and limits our behavior. [8] Members of a certain group discover their