The Supper At Emmaus Four Mandalas Analysis

Words: 2188
Pages: 9

Religious symbolism is defined as the use of imagery and iconography to convey religious ideals or characteristics of a deity. The works of art are The Supper at Emmaus, The Seated Man, Virabhadra, and The Four Mandalas. This essay will present how religious art in Italy, Tibet, India and Mesoamerica use specific symbolism and attributes to represent the beliefs and mythology of each faith.
In Italy, Christianity was the primary religion. Depictions of Jesus and other figures of the Christian religion in paintings, sculpture, and altarpieces were a common sight in churches and the homes of wealthy individuals. The Supper at Emmaus by Jacopo Bassano is a recreation of an altarpiece and was meant to be viewed in a home for personal reflection on the mystery of Christ (Kimbell Art Museum 260). The work portrays Jesus after his death and resurrection who when he has revealed himself to two of his disciples who are oblivious to the fact that the man in their company is Jesus. The story can be found in Luke 24:13 -35, the story concludes with the two disciples inviting the stranger to a meal, where, when Jesus breaks the bread at the table, the eyes of the men are open and they recognize that this is no stranger, but Jesus himself. Often
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While other deities, like Ganesha, are easily identifiable by their physical attributes, such as an elephant head on a human body (Molloy 99). Like the first two images, the statue of Virhabahdra is meant to be used for meditation and reflection on the deity. It would be placed in a home or a temple to honor the god (94) It is similar to the Supper at Emmaus in that it features a story from the religion’s teachings. Like the Four Mandalas, it also would be used to meditate over in order to reach a spiritual enlightenment and to take your mind off of everyday