The Three Little Pigs Climax

Words: 977
Pages: 4

a. The setting in The Three Little Pigs is a house and a dirt road. Some strategies the author used to create atmosphere was having the pigs talk in a rhyme to convey happiness while the pigs were building their houses. The author also showed the pigs personalities by the different materials they used for building their house.

b. An incident that causes the suspense is when the third pig warns the other two pigs that their houses are not strong enough to stop a wolf. This part of the plot is rising actions because it is when conflict starts, and sets up the plot for the whole story.

c. Two complications in the story are the wolf wanting to eat the pigs and the houses not withstanding the wolfs attempts to blow their house down. These complications lead to conflict because the pigs had to do something or else they were going to die. This part of the story is called the climax, it is called the climax because this part is the height of the story. This is the point, where all the conflicts come to ahead.

d. The complications were resolved when the two pigs who built their homes out of straw and twigs sought refuge in the third pigs house, the pig that built his house out of bricks. This part of the plot is called falling actions, because at this point the conflict ends and the story comes to a resolution.

e. At the
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In The Old Man and The Sea, an old and experienced fisherman named Santiago, tries to catch a huge marlin. This story has all the elements of plot. For example the begining of this book sets the stage by describing him as a cuban fisherman down on his luck. The conflict begins when we find out he hasent caught a fish in 84 days. The climax happens when Santiago has the marlin on his line and he is fighting to reel the fish in. Falling action happens when Santiago catches the marlin but sharks eat away the meat. The resolution is when Manolin finds Santiago in his bed sleeping, while Santiago dreams of lions at play and the beaches of