The Tiny Seed-Eric Carle

Words: 310
Pages: 2

Implementing an art experience, which allows the child to explore the art element of colour. Art terminology will be used to build awareness towards how primary colours can make secondary colours when mixed using a medium, which is difficult to manipulate but creates a unique pattern (Dinham, 2014, p. 316).
Materials used:
Paints- primary colours (red, blue, yellow), cartridge paper- different sizes, shoebox, trays, spoons, jars, apron, marbles, balls, paint brush, drying rack, pegs and paper towel.
Clean up:
Sink, sponge, tea towel, warm soapy water.
Books used during the lesson:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Eric Carle 1987
The Tiny Seed- Eric Carle 1987

Learning Environment
The learning environment was set up to create