The Triangular-Shaped Republic: Bosnia-Herzegovina

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Pages: 5

Located in southern Europe, across the Adriatic Sea from Italy, is a triangular-shaped republic known as Bosnia-Herzegovina. The area has two separate regions, with Bosnia covering the upper land area and Herzegovina covering the lower. This mountainous region is home to a diverse population and has a deep history.
Bosnia has long been a country that many have strived to control, but the people have always tried resist to maintain independence. For a few centuries AD, the area was ruled by the Romans. When the Roman empire fell, there were struggles to control the land with Hungary briefly taking control. In time, the Ottoman Empire took hold, but Bosnians were reluctant and grew tired of their rule. There was unhappiness amongst the people as lines between religions separated with Christians and Muslims at odds. Austria-Hungary made a claim to the land, which led some Bosnians to take refuge in other countries due to belief that Serbians were discriminated against. Eventually this set a chain of events in place that led to World War 1 when a Serb nationalist assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne.
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The second World War brought about invasion and murder as Adolf Hitler murdered not only Jewish people, but Serbs and Croats. After this war, Bosnia-Herezgovina remained part of Yugoslavia until they made their independence in 1992. This led to even more war within the country as now three distinct groups were clear; Serbs, Croats, and Muslims. Serbs fought to eliminate or force out all non-Serbs from the region. The unrest in the area remains today as the ones who control the land change often. The power struggle remains within the land, forcing many to immigrate for a better