The True Meaning Of Chief Joseph's Speech

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Pages: 4

Chief Joseph’s words that he spoke in his speech involved many examples that were issued to symbolize one main topic. This subject that Chief Joseph was attempting to imply was that white settlers should not have done what they did to Joseph’s people for it was wrong. Chief Joseph implies with his words about all the actions done against his people, as well as, how simple treaties would not be welcomed anymore and apologizes will not be forgiven for the people and land that he and his people had lost. As I was listening to every word being said, I strongly agreed with his reasoning as it was true, and upstanding. What the white man did to his people and their possessions, such as land, game, or rights, was not acceptable and should be acted upon. So yes, but also, the white man should return what was once the cultural treasures to the Indians, and to focus more on peace and liberty with them instead. As you can see, the white man had done a great deed of hurt that angered and upset the Indians, and this is why they should give back for what they have done.
Events that happened
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The true meaning of the speech was to imply vengeance for death and destruction against the white man for their actions separately. The speech also implied possible confrontations between both groups in the future, considering, the Indians that were standing up for their liberal rights. Agreeing with the Indians that are striking back for their own rights, is the right choice that could help the white man see for what they have done and to do what is right for hope that they could have a better future. Even if this speech is not effective to all whites and will not help them to try to give back what they have taken from them, it will inform them of the lost goods that have riled the Indians, but also, to prevent any more battles and to prevent mass amounts of precious life from being