The Use Of Drugs In Prisons

Words: 2043
Pages: 9

Truthfully, it does not seem like there are any major tradeoffs of civil liberties in regards to these drugs and the way in which they are used as a method of control. In most cases, offenders are given a choice to either take the drugs for a certain period of time or go to prison, or for the offenders that are already in prison, the choice involves spending more time in prison or getting out of prison. Strictly by the fact that offenders are given a choice in taking the drugs there does not seem to be any loss of civil liberties. The offenders have committed a crime and considering they are being offered these types of drugs it is unlikely this is their first crime. Generally, when someone has committed a crime, they should expect to spend …show more content…
Generally it would be expected that if someone were abusing alcohol but not endangering the public and, for example only staying at home, it is unlikely they would have been arrested for anything. Whereas someone that has driven drunk, or been out of control in public, and has been arrested for those offenses many times would of course be someone that might get offered this drug as an option to stay out of prison. Generally because of how our legal system works it would be expected that the person would probably have been offered a few other alternatives prior to the offer of Antabuse. These treatments might have included more than one type of rehab, an ignition interlock device to help keep their vehicles from starting if they have been drinking, and of course some jail time. Normally the offenders would have been through these many different options before they got to the point of having to complete real time in prison, and of course offing the option of Antabuse is just another way of helping the person, it is one more chance. Antabuse has been shown to have some pretty severe side effects aside from severe vomiting and nausea, but as long as the possible short and long term side effects are properly discussed with the offender Antabuse can be a good last chance option for keeping someone out of prison, all while …show more content…
I believe that community justice works for many reasons. The biggest reason is that it allows the community to become familiar with the police force and in turn they begin to trust the police and at times even help them find criminals. This kind of relationship can truly help save not only police lives but the lives of those in the community as well. Having a relationship with the community allows the police force to understand what is important to focus on to help improve the neighborhoods. When a neighborhood tells the police that they need more enforcement on vandalism and drug dealing the police can refocus their efforts towards improving those things and the community will be more willing to help with information when the police are fighting for the things they have asked them to work on. Something that is seen quite often with criminal justice that I believe is unnecessary is the policy of stop and frisk. This type of policy only serves to reinforce the idea of racist police tactics, even when there is no racism involved, when police patrol a neighborhood, particularly a poor one, and they decide to stop and frisk certain individuals it is inevitable that at some point those people will be in a minority group. Not only does this kind of policy give of the vibe of racism it creates a distrust for the police (NIJ, 2016). It would be significantly easier for all parties if when the community