The Use Of Foreshadow In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 380
Pages: 2

In the Story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck he tries to prove that “Man has a plan, God laughs”. He displays this by hinting that an event will happen through a situation in the beginning of the story. T) In the story John Steinbeck shows foreshadow by making a situation happen in the beginning of the storying hinting that something will happen at the end. In the first Chapter He writes, “Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water...”C: This displays how Large and huge Lennie actually is, instead of saying his hand he uses paw.C This shows that John can only refer to lennie as an animal throughout the story because of Lennie's size and intelligence.D George, later in the book, Says “Every Sunday we`d kill a chicken or a rabbit. Maybe we`d