The Veldt Literary Analysis

Words: 661
Pages: 3

Technology has improved vastly this century with the inventions of personal computers and smart phones. Revolutionary inventions become possible due to the innovations technology has recently gone through. The invention of virtual reality could lead the way to futuristic 3D projections, as seen in Ray Bradbury’s short story, “The Veldt”. Present technologies like such could lead to problems seen in “The Veldt”. Smartphones become stuck to children’s faces like leaches and never leave. Interactions only with technology end up polluting children’s minds into forgetting about discipline and creating behavioral issues like the ones seen in “The Veldt”. In Bradbury’s short story, “The Veldt”, instances of foreshadowing and symbolism show the …show more content…
The sun symbolizes the hatred for Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. After the dangerous encounter in the Nursery, Mr. Hadley could “feel it [the sun] on his neck.”. The “awful death in the jaws of a lion” symbolizes death in the lions. The Nursery symbolizes a parental figure as “this room is their mother and father, [being] far more important in their lives than their real parents.” These examples together connect to the theme. The Nursery being a parental figure to Peter and Wendy delete the parental roles for Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. When the “non-important” parental figures told Peter and Wendy they were not allowed to go to New York, Peter and Wendy turned to the Nursery to express their hatred of their parents, thus the burning, beating sun. The lions can be further explained as Peter and Wendy’s’ desire for their parents’ deaths. An explanation to this is that the Veldt and lions appear after the two’s parents deny them to go to New York. The kids rely on the Nursery to do what is necessary to make them happy, just like they rely on everything else to do things for them. The corrupt children get their wishes, as they have a picnic in the veldt with the lions eating their parents in the