The Water Colors In Elie Wiesel's Island

Words: 326
Pages: 2

As expected, “Uncle” was intrigued by the dimension stories and pet “Victor” had brought back. “Uncle” was in his late seventies and not nearly healthy enough for “Victor” to ever consider applying any of the water color powers to him for surely they would be instant poison and death. The same would have happened to “Victor” back in the dimension when the water colors changed to poison. The water colors immediately start to turn poison on entry into the body system. Being young gave “Victor” the time he had to use the powers in a safe mode before the poison started taking affect on the body. “Victor” also had a very large body frame and extremely muscular even before falling in the hidden dimension. Exercise was a normal living condition on his island home and his life style of adventure and exploration was a contribution to his bulk. The poison would immediately permeate the body and cause death to an already weakened elderly person that “Victor” surmised older than sixty. (What “Victor” doesn’t know at this time is that the magic water colors have lost their power. The different environment on earth and lack of the continuous nutrients from the dimension ceiling causes evaporation of the main ingredients that keep the power effective. “Victor’s belief in the process he uses to apply the powers is worthless because he possesses all the powers and can use at will). …show more content…
He wanted to do this without being noticed, thereby preventing suspicion in his direction. Intrusion into his island and life would only make for a bad situation and danger to his “Uncle”. One of his water color powers was the ability to create intense vibration to his body cells which would alter to body invisibility. “Victor’s” training so far allowed him to easily apply and control three water colors at one