The Way Of Shadows By Brent Weeks: Character Analysis

Words: 538
Pages: 3

Imagine a world of a young boy crawling under taverns and searching for coins just to pay someone to not exile him to his death. The Way of Shadows is a captivating fictional novel by Brent Weeks that follows the life of a young boy named Azoth, who aspires to become the world’s greatest wetboy(assassin with something known as a “talent”). As Azoth’s training progresses, he suddenly finds himself wanting out of the world he wanted in long ago. Brent Weeks conjures up a spectacular novel with relatable characters, a captivating plot, and an exceptional ending that’ll guarantee the desire to continue to follow the life of Azoth. One thing Brent Weeks exuberantly displays is an ability to connect the characters to the readers. A multitude of personalities throughout only a few characters allows for the reader to connect with numerous characters in the book. One of the characters, Durzo Blint, first appears to be stubborn and hard headed, but eventually reveals …show more content…
In the beginning, Weeks does an exceptional job of setting the tone for the rest of the book. Alongside the troubles one of the main characters(Azoth) is burdened with, Weeks also supplies Azoth with a peculiar task which plagues the reader’s imagination with questions about what action the young guild rat will undertake. While the story progresses, Durzo Blint reveals an anomalous in Azoth’s body which leads the reader to a false ,hope and extracts from the mind an urge to proceed through the novel at a hundred miles an hour. As the plot line thickens, the existence of several ancient orbs known as ka’kari are introduced, providing with a curiosity on how Azoth’s destiny intersects with one of these mysterious orbs. As the end approaches, an unexpected turn of events which inclinate a passion to persist throughout the rest of the novel without