The White Man's Burden Imperialism

Words: 327
Pages: 2

In the political cartoon "The White Man's Burden" (Victor Gillam) there is a man (or woman) sitting a top a mountain of rocks with their arms spread out. In their left hand they hold a tablet saying Liberty and in their left, a probably equal statement. It is labelled as Civilization. There are two men, John Bull (Britain) and Uncle Sam (US), working hard to carry non-white people up this mountain of "barbarism, oppression, ignorance, vice, superstition, brutality, slavery, cruelty,and cannibalism". This represents how imperialism was viewed as something that pulled "lesser" people up into better society/civilization. This seems to glorify the mission of imperialism.

In Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden", he portrays how "new-caught"