Theme Of Isolation In Lord Of The Flies

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Imagine an isolated island overrun by fear of a strange beast. All who are on the island act on their fear instead of thinking logically, and chaos breaks loose. This is a horrifying scene presented in Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Similar scenarios also appear in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. The main characters, Ralph and Liesel, are in places where fear is the ruler and no one dares stand up to it. In BT Liesel is separated from her birth family in Nazi Germany and is taken in by a family that later hides a jew. In LOTF Ralph and many other children are stranded on island where fear of an unknown beast and isolation cause them to band together. Both BT and LOTF portray the theme that fear causes you to do things you would not normally …show more content…
A conversation the characters have is “ ‘I think we ought to climb the mountain’ (says simon)... ‘What’s the good of climbing up to this here beast when Ralph and the other two couldn’t do nothing’ (says piggy)” (Golding 128) This Reinforces that fear can control, because the children think they should go up the mountain, but they decide against it because they fear the beast. ADD BOOK THIEF EVIDENCE When nazis are inspecting the Hubermann’s basement Rosa exclaims “Nothing? Are you crazy?” (Zusak 343) This illustrates that Rosa thinks it is crazy to do nothing while the nazis are inspecting the basement, because of her fear of Max being found>
Both Zusak and Golding use the settings of both books to instill fear in characters and readers. There were multiple raids on Himmel Street, “By the next raid, on October2, she was finished.” (Zusak 528) This highlights that Himmel Street is a fearful place to live as it and nearby places were bombed many times. Because the children in Lord of the Flies are on an island they think “We may stay here till we die.” (Golding 14) This conveys that the children are afraid of never being rescued from the island because of how the island is completely isolated from the rest of the