Theme Of Mob Mentality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The first connection in the United States history is the presence of the Jim Crow laws in To Kill A Mockingbird. Jim Crow is a bundle of laws that caused a big issues back in 1877 and the mid 1960’s. People believed these laws were needed because they wanted separation between whites and blacks. They also believed that these laws were needed because it would make them feel better when blacks got treated cruelly. Also a great amount of Christian ministers and theologians were taught that whites were chosen people. Also people back then thought that people who were not colored were superior to blacks in all important ways which is another reason why people think that. Whites would produce a mongrel race which would destroy America. Furthermore …show more content…
Mob mentality is when people show that they can act different around a mob or large amount of people. This is shown in current examples like people in crowds seemingly begin rushing in one direction or at a department sale where a mob mentality might be evident as dozens of shoppers get rushed (Smith). Mob mentality is also part of the United States past. An example is lynching. This had occurred 80 years ago. On August 7th ,1930 on a hot dreamy night 3 teens were selected to be lynched. Getting lynched can either conclude as being hung, shot, and whipping people. These 3 boys were great citizens and had done absolutely nothing wrong. Also they were as young as in 19, 16,18 were there ages. Furthermore two of the three teens were hung. The worst part about it was the big mob of people. A large amount of people were gathering in a circle around these teens that were getting hanged. The mob was forced to leave by the cops (“ Strange Fruit: Anniversary of lynching”.) A photo taken at the lynching shows two black teens being hung. There was a mob of people that are around were in a circle cheering loudly. (Beitler). The population of maycomb county and farmers in the book experience mob mentality. In addition the strongest example of mob mentality present is when Atticus is at Tom jail scene where the men were going to come and lynch tom. Not to mention Jem was refusing to leave the mob scene. Uniquely Jem was actually the one who stopped the lynching. Once again mob mentality was present in chapter 15 when the men came to Atticus front porch. They definitely wanted to lynch Tom. Afterall Scout was the one who accidentally stopped the lynching on the front porch. so either way both the kids had convinced the men not to lynch Tom (Lee 200). During this time period racism can be directly connected to mob