Theme Of Motifs In The Odyssey

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Pages: 3

Themes and motifs occur in many places. In books, themes act as a thread binding the plot together. Homer’s The Odyssey presents its audience with a myriad of themes. The Odyssey especially presents the themes of perseverance, trust, and hospitality. Odysseus’ determination to make it home sets up the main conflict of the story. Because of his perseverance to see his family after a number of years, he is faced with obstacles, often posed by bored or angry gods. “She is always coaxing him with soft deceitful words to forget Ithaca; but Odysseus would be happy to see as much as the smoke leaping up from his native land, and then to die” (Homer 4). Calypso futilely attempts to persuade Odysseus to become immortal and soak up the sun with her instead of returning home. Odysseus describes Calypso as more attractive than Penelope, yet he longs for his faithful wife. After Odysseus sails away from Calypso, he soon encounters an angry cyclops. Odysseus proceeds to kill him, but not before sparking Poseidon’s wrath for Odysseus. Despite Poseidon raging his mighty waters against Odysseus and his …show more content…
Odysseus visits many towns on his journey, and each one has a family representing this theme. “...Queen Arete directed her maids to prepare a bed under the open gallery, to lay upon it fine purple blankets with coverlets, and to provide fleecy wraps for clothing” (91). When Odysseus is brought to King Alcinoos’ mansion, he is treated like a king. The royal couple welcome this stranger into their home and treat him with only the finest. This Greek cordiality presents itself on both dimensions of the story. Penelope’s pleasantries towards her suitors help support this recurring theme of hospitality. She often engages with them in platonic activities and provides food and shelter for them while they seek her hand. Even with all the war and violence, the characters never falter to welcome a guest