Theme Of The Parados In Antigone

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Pages: 1

The very first time we hear of the Chorus is when they sing Parados. The Parados is their entry song. When the Chorus performs, they do it while dancing and singing. The name of the archway the Chorus first enters through is what the word "Parados" comes from. Sophocles uses the Parados to give the back-story in his play Antigone. The Chorus talks or sings about the bttle between the brothers and their armies that was just fought, which killed both of them. They also show us how the people of Thebes are upset towards Polyneices for betraying and attacking his own city and people. Overall, the Parados in Antigone is a joyful celebration of victory. This is, of course, super-ironic. The audience has just watched the prologue, in which Antigone