Theme Of The Veldt

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Pages: 1

George and Lydia have spoiled kids. That is one of the main themes in “The Veldt”. Peter and Wendy, George and Lydia's children, have an obsession with the nursery within George and Lydia's “HappyLife Home”. The nursery is a large room with white, plain walls on either side of you. It's not very special except for the fact that when you imagine, you see Africa in the room. It's not just Africa, it's really feels like Africa. The imagination is so lifelike and real. George and Lydia agreed that the nursery may be “too” real and decide to shut it off for a little bit. But Peter and Wendy beg for the nursery to open, and they get their way. Peter and Wendy decide to hijack the nursery from George and Lydia, and make it their own. Since the nursery