Theme Of Trust In Othello

Words: 668
Pages: 3

Trust. That five letter word that can cause lives to be devoured in a flame of lies, and allows people to blindly trust a dishonest soul in this kingdom of the unwise. Believing everything a deceitful person says can make the mind loyal to that person; as readers begin to see in a particular play Shakespeare wrote. In Shakespeare’s play, Othello, the characters that trusted Iago had their life cut short, which justifies Shakespeare’s message to be well informed before trusting a certain individual. Othello’s trusting qualities caused him to have a tragic outcome, towards the end of the play, due to his foolish choices. Cassio continues to tell Othello how Iago deceived him and said, “There is besides in Roderigo’s letter...That I was cast; and even but now he spake, After long seeming dead- Iago hurt him, Iago set him on.” Othello later stabbed himself and said, “I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss” (5.2.847-848). Cassio is revealing how Roderigo was misled by Iago due to the note that was found on Roderigo’s dead body. Othello, then, proceeds to kill himself after realizing that Iago has lied to him. Othello put all his faith into Iago’s false accusations, only to die in the end while kissing Desdemona’s lifeless body. Othello should not have been a fool, and bestowed …show more content…
Roderigo was stabbed by Iago and said, “[Stabs Roderigo.] O damned Iago! O inhuman dog!” (5.1. 835). Iago kills Roderigo in a desperate attempt to keep his atrocious plan from unraveling. This led Roderigo to see Iago for the demon he was. Since the beginning of the play Roderigo was faithful to Iago, and tragically Roderigo’s trustworthy nature caused him his life. Shakespeare is clearly trying to emphasize how deadly trusting the wrong individual can be, by adding another name to the growing list of deceased characters in this