Submitted By mstlake3
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Pages: 5

"Election and Salvation"—Pg. 426–434

1. What are the five points of Calvinism?
T Total depravity, U Unconditional election, L Limited atonement, I Irresistible grace, P Perseverance of the saints
2. What does “total depravity” mean?
Most Calvinists interpret total depravity to mean that any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God. He is totally depraved of any urging to seek after God. Total depravity means that man is in complete rebellion against God, and by his “free will” he cannot and will never make a decision for Christ. When man is totally depraved, he cannot discern the truth of the gospel or understand it when it is presented to him.
3. What is “Unconditional election?”
Unconditional election implies that God chooses some out of His nature, but since others are not chosen, and then the unity of God is breached. Calvinists teach that God never elects anyone to salvation because of his goodness or potential merit. The choice is from Himself; hence, election is unconditional.
4. What is “Limited atonement?”
The term “limited atonement,” in its broadest sense, simply means the view that the atonement Christ provided for sins is in some way limited from the greatest possible extent it could have in theory; however, virtually every theologian believes in an atonement which is limited in some manner – all except those who believe that every person who ever lived will be finally saved and glorified. So in reality, it is an unhelpful and misleading term. In common parlance, however, it is a term used to describe the Calvinistic belief that Christ's atonement was fully effective to accomplish its design of redemption for all those for whom it was intended; but its intention was limited to the elect. This point of view is in opposition to what is commonly called “unlimited atonement,” which teaches that the intention of Christ's death was to provide redemption for everyone in the same way without exception; but the efficacy of his redemptive act is limited in its power to ensure everyone's final salvation. Christ's death, in other words, provided everything necessary for anyone's salvation besides the one conditional element of faith; but this faith was not provided by his death for anyone at all.
5. What is “irresistible grace?”
Irresistible Grace (or efficacious grace) is a doctrine in Christian theology particularly associated with Calvinism which teaches that the saving grace of God is effectually applied to those whom he has determined to save (the elect), whereby in God's timing, he overcomes their resistance to the call of the gospel and irresistibly brings them to a saving faith in Christ.
6. What does the author give as an alternative to perseverance of the saints?
Rather than calling the doctrine the “perseverance of the saints,” it should be called the doctrine of “preservation” or “eternal security.”

"What is Conversion"—Pg. 287–298

1. What is Regeneration?
Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God. The regenerated person is capable of doing the “righteous things” required by God.
2. What are the results of Regeneration?
Regeneration results in more than eternal life, it makes possible our sanctification. Regeneration is the result of that experience which is called being born again.
3. The term anothen, translated “born again,” can also be translated as what?
Regeneration. The term anothen, translated “born again,” can also be rendered:
“born from above.”
4. T/F Adam died physically within days of eating the fruit in the Garden. False
5. T/F As a result of Adam’s sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins. True
6. T/F When a person receives Jesus Christ he becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated. False
7. What are the three steps that the “Roman’s Road”