Theodore Roosevelt Vs Woodrow Wilson

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Pages: 4

Both Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were strong presidents differentiated by their individual perspective on the role of the President thereby, causing both to have differing accomplishments and failures during their individual presidencies. Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856 in Staunton, Virginia. Pre- presidency, Wilson had a lot going for him. He was the 34th governor of New Jersey, he got married to his first wife, Ellen Louise Axson, and after his graduation from Princeton and the University of Virginia Law School, Wilson earned his doctorate at John Hopkins University. Wilson was the democratic representative in the presidential elections of 1912 and 1916. He walked into the elections as a minority president and …show more content…
In May of 1913 the 17th amendment was ratified. This was the idea of electing senators by popular vote. Also, he had ratified the 18th and 19th prohibiting the sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages, and giving women the right to vote. During his presidential campaign, in 1912, he pledged three primary reforms on businesses, tariffs, and banking. This soon came to be known as the “New Freedom”. This was Wilson's policy that favored the small business, entrepreneurship, and the free functioning of unregulated and non monopolized markets. Last, but certainly not least, Wilson issued Mother’s Day. In May 1914 Congress passed a law declaring the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. The following day Wilson issued a proclamation for the first ever Mother’s Day.
On the other hand, Wilson did have his flaws. Wilson was unsuccessful when trying to get the U.S. into the League of Nations. Also, his 14 points weren’t passed in France. Although, the Keating Owen Act of 1916 would have stopped the sale of items produced by child labor, the U.S Supreme Court declared it
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He believed that the Government should be the judge over the Nation’s economic forces, especially over labor and capital, wanting to serve justice to all. This ideal is what got Roosevelt the title of “Trust Buster”. Roosevelt is most well known for dissolving monopolies in the railroad industry in the Northwest. He is also known for being a conservationist. He started the Conservation Movement which brought light to preserving the land and nature. He created various conservation in the country while in office. Roosevelt astonished many when he passed the Gentleman’s Agreement on Japanese immigration. He was the first President to send troops to settle a social dispute, the coal